Brewers Beach, Virgin Islands: Swimming with Sea Turtles

Last updated: July 24, 2024


I was impressed with how hard Virgin Island Eco Tours worked to ensure we got to experience everything we wanted. My mom used them to book two half-day activities so we could have an all-day adventure: the Cas Cay kayak, hike, snorkel adventure, and swimming with sea turtles! We went on my birthday, making this the most action-packed birthday ever. 🥳

Anslem Fletcher was the best tour guide. It was evident that he had nothing else on his agenda for the day except ensuring we were happy, and he certainly succeeded! We were treated like VIPs the whole day.

After our Cas Cay adventure, we ate an authentic island lunch and drove to Brewer Beach. We immediately prepared to get in the water with our gear in hopes of seeing and swimming next to some sea turtles. This has been on my mom’s bucket list for years, and boy, did she ever get to mark this one off! I was happy to tag along for her adventure because it was quite the experience.

Brewers Beach is popular amongst the locals. It’s got a laid-back vibe and one of the widest shorelines of all the St. Thomas beaches, giving you plenty of room between the bank and the water. The sand is white and soft, and the waters are incredibly calm, perfect for snorkeling. Best of all, it’s got a gorgeous sunset, which we enjoyed afterward. 🌅

Taken after snorkeling… we were on our way to get towels so we could settle in on the beach for the beautiful sunset you can see starting between the trees!

Once we got in, it wasn’t long before we were able to see these gorgeous creatures up close and personal. This was a majestic experience!

It’s incredible how fast these guys are.
Hey, two together!
I think these might be trackers on the fin. I’m not sure, but it makes me sad. Probably good reasons; I just don’t like it. 😣

We were out there for nearly two hours and truly had an awe-inspiring snorkeling adventure! Anslem even ensured we had what we needed before he left as we settled in to watch the sunset. The perfect ending to the perfect day.

The perfect ending to the perfect day.

I recommend Virgin Island Eco Tours. I wish they were more detailed about photography. The camera battery died during our sea turtle adventure, so if you go, I would recommend asking them to make sure the battery is fully charged before you head out for your adventure (or ask them to take an extra battery).

I hope you visit Brewer Beach! Even if you don’t snorkel (which you definitely should!), I hope you experience the sunset. Food trucks are available during the day, so this could be a fantastic full day at the beach if that’s your thing! There’s no way I could sit all day on a beach. I’m good after like an hour, but you do you!

I snapped a quick photo with Anslem as the sunset lit our faces. Thanks for a great time, Anslem!

What do you think? Would you swim with sea turtles? Let me know in the comments below at the very bottom of this page.


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