My Latest Obsession: Silicone Everything

Last updated: November 4, 2023


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I never imagined I would say this, but goodbye loofahs! So a while back, I raved about how great it was to exchange my yucky dish sponges (#11 in this post) for silicone dish scrubbers. I have no idea why it took my brain a year to realize that loofahs were no better, but I recently started thinking about how germ ridden my loofas were and how often I was supposed to change them out. The more I thought about it, the more grossed out I became and then the googling began and now… well, their gone. They say ignorance is bliss and that couldn’t be more true. Don’t shoot the messenger, but your loofahs are full of bacteria. Sorry, but they are.

So I have upgraded my loofas to silicone body scrubbers!! Are they cleaner? ABSOLUTELY! In fact, silicone can’t harbor bacteria because it’s non-porous!

I really wasn’t too concerned about the latherability (totally made up word by me just now) because I’ve been using these silicone dish scrubbers for two years and they lather up just fine and are squeaky clean after a quick rinse. In fact, I’ve never replaced them. Two years and going strong!

Next thing I know, I’m thinking about other items in my kitchen and bathroom that are germ infested like my toilet brush and oven mitts, and well… now we have an entire blog post dedicated to silicone items. You can count on me to spend hours of my life reading about silicone so you don’t have to. I gotchu!

Now for the good part… silicone is inexpensive!! Check out the below silicone products I own and recommend!

Facial and Body Scrubbers

I love these facial and body scrubbers. I think they exfoliate better than loofas and given the price, you can get an extra one to throw in your travel bag. I have the gray one hanging in the shower. Bonus: these dry fast and there are bundle purchase options!

2 in 1 Body and Scalp Scrubber

I got this 2 in 1 body and scalp scrubber for Kris and it’s bristles are a little longer than the one above which results in extra lather. It works great and I’m legit impressed.

Here’s one that’s shaped like a bar of soap if you like this design better.

Scalp Massager Shampoo Brush

This scalp and massager shampoo brush is a must have. I use it every single time I wash my hair. From stimulating hair growth to deep cleaning your scalp, me and over 50,000 other people can’t recommend it enough.

Here’s another option that’s got over 100k reviews I have in my travel bag:

Silicone Toilet Brush

Yep, I went ahead and replaced my toilet brush with this silicone one and honestly love that it dries so quickly. Don’t be fooled into thinking it doesn’t clean as good… it does (and in my opinion cleans better because it’s so malleable)! I spray it with some Lysol for good measure after I use it and truly sleep better at night now. Yep, I really do.

Silicone Oven Mitts

Did you know that silicone is heat resistant? I don’t know about you but my cloth oven mitts got gross pretty quickly with food and splatters. I washed them frequently but why do that when I can just rinse silicone ones??? These silicone oven mitts are a breeze to keep clean and I’m able to take my time getting a big dish out of the oven without hurrying due to the heat seeping through like my previous ones.

Facial Cleaning Brush

You know I’m not going to publish a post without some bougie recommendation. The Foreo Luna 3 is a luxury silicone cleansing brush that has really changed my skincare game and has so many benefits. It pulsates and massages while using it for an incredibly deep cleanse… my skin is absolutely radiant. I could go on and on but read the reviews because they say it all. I use this every single day.

Here’s a budget friendly one that I keep in my travel case that is very similar to the Foreo.

And there you have it! All of my favorite germ and bacteria free silicone items! I was already a tad obsessed with clean but now I’m feeling really great since my old toilet brush, oven mitts, and loofahs are in the trash.

I hope you like these magical items as much as I do!


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