Ohio State Line: Welcome Sign
Last updated: August 15, 2023
I wasn’t necessarily looking for this road sign but we took a new road, Kris pointed it out, and we pulled over. This was pretty early in the morning, so you can see the sun rising behind me. It’s certainly the least impressive state welcome sign so far. No state outline, no motto… not even the governors name, but I’m not complaining! I was wondering when we’d find one given how many times we cross over the state line, so yay; we found it. I consider this a big ol’ check mark on my list of state welcome signs so I’m counting this as a win. Now, if I see a prettier one, you can bet I’m going to snap it and add it here, but until then, this serves its purpose.

Let’s Learn about Ohio
- Nicknames – The Buckeye State, Birthplace of Aviation, The Heart of It All (because 48% of America lives within 500 miles of Columbus).
- Motto – With God, all things are possible
- Anthem – Beautiful Ohio, Hang on Sloopy
- Slogan – So Much to Discover
- 34th largest state
- 7th most populated with 11.8 million people
- Capitol and largest city – Columbus
- Known as the “Buckeye State” because of its buckeye trees
- Ohioans are known as Buckeyes
- The state flag is the only flag of all the 50 states that is not a rectangular flag.
- Median household – $54,021 (36th highest)
- Beverage – tomato juice
- Tree – buckeye
- Insect – ladybug
- Mammal – white tailed deer
- Flower – red carnation
- Seven U.S Presidents come from Ohio:
- Ulysses Grant (18th, 1869 – 1877)
- Rutherford Hayes (19th, 1877 – 1881)
- James Garfield (20th, 1881)
- Benjamin Harrison (23rd, 1889 – 1893)
- William McKinley (25th, 1997 – 1901)
- William Taft (27th, 1909 – 1913)
- Warren Harding (29th, 1921 – 1923)
- Birthplace to Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon
- Birthplace to Thomas Edison
- Things that were invented in Ohio: cash register, the airplane, the golf ball and Superman!
- Well-known foods invented in Ohio: Quaker Oatmeal, Lifesavers, and the hot dog.

I am taking advantage of my time living right next to the Ohio line and plan to see all points of interest before moving back south. Stay tuned for more Ohio adventures!